API Example -- Eyes Setup (boxHead)
NOTE: See the Eyes API documentation for API details.
// Script designed for use on the boxHead.v2.small model
using UnityEngine;
using CrazyMinnow.SALSA; // Use the CrazyMinnow.SALSA namespace
namespace DemoCode // change this to your custom namespace...
public class BoxheadEyesRuntime : MonoBehaviour
private void Awake()
string head = "boxHead.v2.small";
// Unity component that can store blendshapes
SkinnedMeshRenderer smr;
// Add Eyes instance to the game object
Eyes eyes = gameObject.AddComponent<Eyes>();
// Processing component used by the entire SALSA LipSync Suite
QueueProcessor qp = gameObject.AddComponent<QueueProcessor>();
System Properties
// Character root used in tracking calculations
eyes.characterRoot = gameObject.transform;
// Eyes reference to the QueueProcessor
eyes.queueProcessor = qp;
Head setup (Bone_Rotation_XY)
// Head template using the Bone_Rotation_XY rotation
// Find and link the head bone
eyes.heads[0].expData.controllerVars[0].bone = Eyes.FindTransform(eyes.characterRoot, head);
// Name the head expression
eyes.heads[0].expData.name = "head";
// Name the head component
eyes.heads[0].expData.components[0].name = "head";
// Set a target offset so the head and eyes gaze vertically at the same point
eyes.headTargetOffset.y = 0.225f;
// Capture the min/max bone settings, head reverts to this orientation upon component disable
eyes.CaptureMin(ref eyes.heads);
eyes.CaptureMax(ref eyes.heads);
Eyes setup (Blendshapes)
// Find and link the SkinnedMeshRenderer component so we can access the blendshapes
smr = Eyes.FindTransform(eyes.characterRoot, head).GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
// Eye template using blendshape controllers
// Boxhead uses one set of blendshapes for both eyes so we remove the second expression in the template
eyes.RemoveExpression(ref eyes.eyes, 1);
// Name the eye expression
eyes.eyes[0].expData.name = "eyes";
// Name the eye component
eyes.eyes[0].expData.components[0].name = "eyes";
// Link the SkinnedMeshRenderer and set blendshape indexes
eyes.eyes[0].expData.controllerVars[0].smr = smr;
eyes.eyes[0].expData.controllerVars[0].blendIndex = 4;
eyes.eyes[0].expData.controllerVars[1].smr = smr;
eyes.eyes[0].expData.controllerVars[1].blendIndex = 7;
eyes.eyes[0].expData.controllerVars[2].smr = smr;
eyes.eyes[0].expData.controllerVars[2].blendIndex = 5;
eyes.eyes[0].expData.controllerVars[3].smr = smr;
eyes.eyes[0].expData.controllerVars[3].blendIndex = 6;
// Create and position the eye gizmo that tells Eyes where to calculate tracking from
eyes.eyes[0].gizmo = eyes.CreateEyeGizmo(smr.name, eyes.characterRoot);
eyes.eyes[0].gizmo.transform.parent = smr.transform;
eyes.eyes[0].gizmo.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 0.2239f, 0.1624f);
Eyelid setup (Blendshapes)
// Eyelid template using blendshapes with the Upper lid option
eyes.BuildEyelidTemplate(Eyes.EyelidTemplates.BlendShapes, Eyes.EyelidSelection.Upper);
// Boxhead uses one set of blendshapes for both eyelids so we remove the second expression in the template
eyes.RemoveExpression(ref eyes.blinklids, 1);
// Name the eyelid expression
eyes.blinklids[0].expData.name = "eyelids";
// Name the eyelid component
eyes.blinklids[0].expData.components[0].name = "eyelids";
// Link the SkinnedMeshRenderer and set the blendshape indexes
eyes.blinklids[0].expData.controllerVars[0].smr = smr;
eyes.blinklids[0].expData.controllerVars[0].blendIndex = 8;
Boxhead has no body, we'll add an empty parent as his body for head tracking
if (eyes.characterRoot == eyes.heads[0].expData.controllerVars[0].bone)
eyes.characterRoot = eyes.AddParent(gameObject.transform);
// Controller initialization, update any runtime controllers we plan to use
eyes.UpdateRuntimeExpressionControllers(ref eyes.heads);
eyes.UpdateRuntimeExpressionControllers(ref eyes.eyes);
eyes.UpdateRuntimeExpressionControllers(ref eyes.blinklids);
// Initialize the Eyes module last. This builds the reference gizmos, captures offsets, sets timers, etc.