QuickStart Guide
The following guide will walk through setting up the BoxHead character using a One-Click approach and a complete setup from scratch. BoxHead is available in the Samples download pack available on this site. download examples pack here
Super Fast QuickStart Using One-Clicks (BoxHead)
QuickStart Guide to implementing SALSA on a very basic component. The following is designed to get the reader up-and-running as quickly as possible, without any explanation or theory. This guide will use the included Boxhead model for demonstration purposes.
- Add Boxhead to a blank scene. (These instructions assume a blank scene)
- Locate Boxhead in the Project window (Assets > Crazy Minnow Studio > Examples > 3D > boxHead.v2 > boxHead.v2
- Drag the Boxhead model into the Hierarchy window.
[add image]
- Select the Boxhead object in the scene hierarchy.
- One-click setup Boxhead:
- From the menu bar: GameObject > Crazy Minnow Studio > SALSA LipSync > One-Clicks > boxHead.v2
- Boxhead is now configured.
- Play the scene: The one-click auto-configures the AudioSource to play-on-awake and adds the promo audio clip.
Normal QuickStart
QuickStart Guide to implementing SALSA on a very basic component. The following is designed to get the reader up-and-running as quickly as possible, with very little detailed explanation or theory; however, it does include the necessary steps for manual configuration. This guide will use the included Boxhead model for demonstration purposes.
Add Boxhead to a blank scene. (These instructions assume a blank scene)
- Locate Boxhead in the Project window (Assets > Crazy Minnow Studio > Examples > 3D > boxHead.v2 > boxHead.v2
- Drag the Boxhead model into the Hierarchy window.
Add & setup SALSA:
- Select the Boxhead object in the scene hierarchy.
- Add a SALSA component to the Boxhead object.
- From the menu bar: Component > Crazy Minnow Studio > SALSA LipSync > SALSA (click)
- Using 'Add Component' button in Inspector window: click 'Add Component' > type 'salsa' in the search box > select the 'Salsa' script.
Configure SALSA Processing:
- Expand the section 'Processing Links' (click anywhere on the header)
- Create and link an AudioSource by clicking the 'Add AudioSource' button.
- Create and link a QueueProcessor by clicking the 'Add QueueProcessor' button.
- The header should have changed from gold to blue (indicating a successful configuration).
- Collapse the Processing Links section (click anywhere on the header)
Configure the AudioSource:
- Expand the AudioSource on the Boxhead object (created above)
- Enable play-on-awake on the AudioSource.
- (Optional) Enable loop on the AudioSource.
- Add an audio clip (dialog) to the AudioSource.
Recommended: Assets > Crazy Minnow Studio > Examples > Audio > Promo-male
Configure SALSA settings:
- For demonstration purposes, the only setting to know and adjust as necessary is the Playhead Bias. The default is 2800; however, this may need to change depending on the audio clip used. Read about the setting in the 'In-Depth' section for more information. For now, simply select Auto-Adjust Playhead Bias.
- Collapse the Settings section by clicking anywhere on the header.
Configure SALSA visemes (for Boxhead):
- Expand the Viseme Configuration section.
- Create saySmall viseme -- click the 'Add Viseme' button
- The first viseme added defaults to add a component with a Shape type and looks for the controller's SkinnedMeshRenderer on the SALSA gameObject. Since we are adding this to a Boxhead model, the SMR exists and is automatically configured.
- Select the appropriate blendshape index: saySml
- (optional) Rename the viseme from "viseme 0" to "saySmall" (or similar)
- Repeat this process (adding a viseme) for sayMed and sayLrg
- Collapse the configured visemes by clicking 'Collapse All Visemes' expand button just under the section header.
- Configure SALSA triggers:
- Under the Viseme Configuration header, click the 'Trigg
- er Display Mode' option.
- Selecte the Curve distribution button.
SALSA is now configured for the included Boxhead model. Click play to try out the SALSA 2.0 lipsync experience.