Logo - Crazy Minnow Studio - game, asset, tool development

Welcome to Crazy Minnow Studio! We are a small indie software development team primarily focused on game development using the Unity engine. Our pipeline includes: games, game development tools and assets, and video tutorial production. Check out our Unity lip sync asset, SALSA Lip-Sync, available on the Unity Asset Store. Follow our blog for updates on our Unity asset and game development, as well as other happenings in indie game development.

SQLite for BGE available now on the Blender Market

SQLite for BGE feature imageOur first Blender Game Engine asset!

Now available on the Blender Market.

SQLite for BGE is a collection of Blender Python scripts that facilitate easy, multi-platform-compliant, sqlite database programming within the Blender Game Engine. Using four simple functions, you can integrate SQL-based saved-data and look-ups into your real-time projects. 

Check out our product page for details.


Buy SQLite for BGE on the Blender Market

Categories: Blender

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