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RandomEyes2D Quick Start

To setup RandomEyes2D in your project:

  1. Import the SALSA asset package into your project.

    • Menu Select: Window > Asset Store > select your downloads

    • Browse to: SALSA with RandomEyes > Import

  2. Select the [Girl_Head] Sprite from [Crazy Minnow Studio/Examples/Character] folder, and drag it into a new scene. This will create a new GameObject with a Sprite Renderer attached to it.

  3. With the new GameObject selected, select the [Component] menu, then select [Crazy Minnow Studio], then [RandomEyes2D]. This will add the RandomEyes2D custom inspector.

  4. Click the [+] plus symbol next to [Character Order in Layer] in the RandomEyes2D inspector until the value is [2].

  5. Next, we need to create our eyes. Drag the [GirlEye] sprite from the [Crazy Minnow Studio/Examples/Emots] folder into the scene, parented to the character sprite, then position the eye under the characters left eye socket. For this example, the eye is appropriately aligned at x=2.5 and y=0.

  6. Right click on the [GirlEye] and select Duplicate, then move the duplicate eye under the characters right eye socket. In this example, the eye position is x=-2.5 and y=0.

  7. Now drag the [GirlEyeLids] Sprite from the [Crazy Minnow Studio/Examples/Emots] folder, into the scene and parented to the [Girl_Head]. Position the lids so they fill the eye sockets, but don't worry if they are not stacked correctly, we'll fix that in the inspector using the layer properties for eyes and eye lids. In this example, the lid is aligned at x=0.05 and y=0.03.

  8. Select the [Girl_Head] GameObject so we can configure RandomEyes2D using the custom inspector. Our character has two eye sprites, and one eyelid sprite containing both eyelids (though you can do separate eye lids if you wish). Set the [Eye Count] to two, and the [Eyelid Count] to one. Next, drag each eye into one of the [Eyes] SpriteRenderer slots, and drag the eyelids sprite into the [Eyelids] SpriteRenderer slot. Finally, click the [+] plus or [-] minus buttons to set the [Eyes] [Order in Layer] property to [0], and the [Eyelids] [Order in Layer] property to [1]. If necessary, adjust the [Main Camera] in the scene so that you can see the character.

  9. Play the scene and enjoy 2D random eye movement and blinking. You can adjust things like range of motion, proportional movement, blend speed, blink duration, intervals, and eye event broadcasting, see the inspector properties section for a detailed explanation of each property.


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