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Welcome to Crazy Minnow Studio! We are a small indie software development team primarily focused on game development using the Unity engine. Our pipeline includes: games, game development tools and assets, and video tutorial production. Check out our Unity lip sync asset, SALSA Lip-Sync, available on the Unity Asset Store. Follow our blog for updates on our Unity asset and game development, as well as other happenings in indie game development.

Exporting DAZ Characters for use with SALSA Suite v2

Daz 3D logoExport guide for DAZ 3D characters (i.e. Genesis, Genesis 2, Genesis 3, Genesis 8, Dragon, and Emotiguy character classes). Please see our detailed OneClick documentation for more information.

NOTE: These instructions are legacy and no longer supported. DAZ has changed their ecosystem and while these instructions should get you at least part of the way, they are not guaranteed, nor supported, to provide 100% coverage of exporting and configuring a DAZ model. Please visit the DAZ forums and/or documentation for information on working with DAZ models.

Documentation for SALSA LipSync Suite v2 -- located here.

Warning: Unity has a vertex limit of 65,536 vertices. If you import a model with more vertices than this, Unity will split the mesh, a process that destroys the included BlendShapes. Before purchasing SALSA, verify two things first:

  1. You're using one of the supported Daz character base classes (Genesis, Genesis 2, Genesis 3, Genesis 8, Emotiguy)
  2. You have imported your model into Unity first to verify that unity has not split the mesh because it exceeds Unity's vertex limit. You can verify the BlendShape are intact by adding the character to a scene, and checking the Unity SkinnedMeshRenderer component to verify the BlendShapes are still listed.


Daz Character Export Instructions

  1. Export your model by selecting [File] -> [Export].
    • DAZ3D and SALSA lip-sync plate3
  2. Name your file and select [FBX] as the file type.
    • DAZ3D and SALSA lip-sync plate4
  3. Verify your export selections match those specified in the following image, then click [Edit Morph Export Rules...] to either add a single rule to export all head BlendShapes, or specify the each shape manually to reduce the total number of shapes. Note: Exported shapes must begin with "head".
    • Single rule to include all head BlendShapes: 
  4. Click [Accept] on the [FBX Morph Export Rules] window, then [Accept] on the [FBX Export Options] window to complete the export.


Daz Character Unity Import and Material Setup Instructions

  1. Drag your new FBX export file into Unity. This will create folders named [{FILENAME}_base.fbm], and [Materials] in the same location where you import the FBX model.
  2. Open the [{FILENAME}_base.fbm] folder and select the eyelashes texture, my file is called [V5BreeLashes1.jpg]. Check the boxes next to [Alpha from Grayscale] and [Alpha Is Transparency], then click [Apply].
    • ​​DAZ3D and SALSA lip-sync plate7
  3. Add the Daz character to a scene, expand the character until you find the child object that contains the SkinnedMeshRenderer with all your BlendShapes, and all the materials for the model. For my character, this was found under [DazGirl] -> [Genesis2Female] -> [Genesis2Female.Shape].
  4. Now we'll setup the following materials.
    • DAZ3D and SALSA lip-sync plate8 Eyelashes
    • DAZ3D and SALSA lip-sync plate9 EyeReflection
    • DAZ3D and SALSA lip-sync plate10 V5BreeInMouthM
    • DAZ3D and SALSA lip-sync plate11 Cornea

NOTE: While every attempt has been made to ensure the safe content and operation of these files, they are provided as-is, without warranty or guarantee of any kind. By downloading and using these files you are accepting any and all risks associated and release Crazy Minnow Studio, LLC of any and all liability.

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Simple Automated Lip Sync Approximation
~ We look forward to seeing what you create! ~

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