Please check this Frequently Asked Questions list for answers to common problems/questions. If you don't find your answer here, please check the forum site for Amplitude for WebGL, or post a new question, comment, or feature request.

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What is Amplitude for WebGL?

Amplitude is a Unity3D asset that exposes amplitude data in a WebGL environment. To this point, Unity has not placed priority on building this feature into its WebGL platform framework. Amplitude uses a native JavaScript library to communicate with the underlying web browser to access Web Audio API capabilities.

Can I use Amplitude with SALSA Lip-Sync?

Absolutely! In fact, Amplitude was initially created for this purpose. You will need to get the AmplitudeSALSA add-on to link the two assets up. It will be available in the downloads section. The add-on is free for Amplitude customers.


What if I have questions or need help?

We hope you find Amplitude easy to use and well-documented. However, we also recognize there will be questions we did not consider. If you have questions, feature requests, or have found some bugs, please let us know. You can always post a comment on the forum thread, privately message us on the forum, or send an email to our AssetSupport address.

Why does my WebGL-based project not work in the Chrome Web Browser?

Chrome does not allow file-based loading/playback of WebGL applications. As a security measure, Chrome does not allow WebGL applications to load in this manner. To use/test your Amplitude project in a Chrome browser, access the build from a web-served environment such as Apache, NGINX, etc. Otherwise, you may use a different browser such as Firefox, which allows file-based loading/playback of WebGL applications.

My Amplitude WebGL project does not appear to work in Safari on my Mac.

More of a statement than a question, but that is correct -- Safari does not appear to properly implement some of the audio systems of the WebGL standard. However, as an alternative, Chrome has been tested on the Mac and works very well.