Salsa2D Quick-Start
- Import the SALSA package into your project.
- Menu Select: Window > Asset Store > select your downloads
- Browse to: SALSA with RandomEyes > Import
- Create four mouth expression images for Salsa2D: sayRest, saySmall, sayMedium, and sayLarge. For the quick start, we'll use the included image set. Select the “sayRest” sprite mouth expression from the [Crazy Minnow Studio/Examples/Emots] folder and drag it into a new scene. This will create a new GameObject with a Sprite Renderer attached to it (Illustration 1).

- With the new GameObject (“sayRest”) selected, click the [Component] menu, then [Crazy Minnow Studio], and finally select [Salsa2D]. This will add the Salsa2D custom inspector as shown in the image below (Illustration 2).

- The SALSA custom inspector will highlight fields that require action in blue. In the inspector, link your audio file and the four included expression sprites. (To use your own sprite images, create the four unique images in your favorite graphics suite, import them into Unity as textures, and set their [Texture Type] to [Sprite].) As you link your resources, the blue highlight will clear, letting you know SALSA has successfully linked to the resource (Illustration 3).

- Finally, play the scene and enjoy 2D, automated, lip sync approximation. To use this lip sync approximated mouth on a character, simply parent it to your character sprite, and position it accordingly. You can adjust things like trigger values, the delay between audio sample updates, and event broadcasting. See the inspector properties in the next section for a detailed explanation of each property. To control the [Play On Awake], [Loop], and other audio clip properties, set options on the [Audio Source] component that Salsa created when you added the Salsa2D component.