Salsa3D Quick-Start
- Import the SALSA asset package into your project.
- Menu Select: Window > Asset Store > select your downloads
- Browse to: SALSA with RandomEyes > Import
- Your 3D model should contain three BlendShapes: saySmall, sayMedium, and sayLarge. The sayRest (base shape) is the result of all BlendShape values being set to zero. For the quick start, we'll use the included boxhead model. Drag [boxHead] from the [Crazy Minnow Studio/Examples/Models] folder into a new scene. Once in the scene, it will have a [Skinned Mesh Renderer] attached to it that contains the BlendShapes.

- With the character selected, and your [Skinned Mesh Renderer] visible in the inspector, click the [Component] menu, then [Crazy Minnow Studio], and finally select [Salsa3D]. This will add the SALSA custom inspector to your character.

- Salsa3D contains three selectable index fields in the top half of the custom inspector. Map these fields to the corresponding shapes of your BlendShape mouth positions. You can click the [Auto-Link] button and Salsa will attempt to find the correct BlendShapes automatically (SaySmall, SayMedium, SayLarge {case insensitive}). See the illustration on the next page for details.

- Finally, link your audio file, play the scene, and enjoy 3D, automated, lip sync approximation. You can adjust things like trigger values, the delay between audio sample updates, blend speed, and event broadcasting. See the inspector properties in the next section for a detailed explanation of each property. To control the [Play On Awake], [Loop], and other audio clip properties, set options on the [Audio Source] component that Salsa created when you added the Salsa3D component.