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RandomEyes2D Inspector Properties

  • Sprites & Layers
    • Character Order in Layer: Set the characters order in layer property to move it forward or back in scene view.


  • Eye Count: Set the number of eyes your character has.
  • Eyes: Drag each of your characters eyes to one of the [SpriteRenderer] slots.
  • Order in Layer: Set the eye order in layer property to move them forward or back in scene view.


  • Eyelid Count: Set the number of eyelids your character has.
  • Eyelids: Drag each of your characters eyelids to one of the [SpriteRenderer] slots.
  • Order in Layer: Set the eyelid order in layer property to move them forward or back in scene view.


  • Target Tracking
    • Look Target: Link a GameObject here and the eyes will follow it.
    • Remove Look Target Button: Removes the look target in the inspector
    • Target Affinity: When enabled, The [Affinity Percentage] slider is used to determine the percentage of time the eyes spend tracking the target versus looking around randomly. This adds realism since most people don't stair indefinitely at a subject.
    • Affinity Percentage: A value of of zero will never look at the look target. A value of one will always look at the look target.


  • Eye Propertiess
    • Current Look Position: The currently assigned look position. This is an Enum field that contains the options: Up Right, Up, Up Left, Right, Forward, Left, Down Right, Down, Down Left and Blink.
    • Range of Motion: Use this to control how far you want the eyes to drift from the center position.
    • Proportional Movement: If your character has different size eyes, or you simply scale the far eye in a 2D perspective, checking this box will automatically scale the range of motion to match the size difference helping to contain a smaller eye within a smaller eye socket.
    • Blend Speed: Set this to adjust how long it takes the eyes to move from one position to another.
    • Blink Duration: Set this to adjust the blink duration.


  • Random Eyes: Check this to enable random eye movement. If unchecked, eye-movement is implemented manually or programmatically.
  • Max Random Interval: Random eye movement is always random. However, you can adjust the max value, which means the eyes will look in a new direction at a random interval no more than this value.


  • Blink: Check this to enable blinking.
  • Max Blink Interval: Random blinking is always random. However, you can adjust the max value, which means blinking will occur at a random interval no more than this value.


  • Broadcast Eye Events
    • Broadcast: Check this box to broadcast the [RandomEyes_OnLookStatusChanged] event to one or more game objects.

(Only visible when Broadcast is enabled)

  • Broadcast Receivers Count: The number of game objects you wish to receive the [RandomEyes_OnLookStatusChanged] event.
  • Broadcast Receivers: Link your game object [RandomEyes_OnLookStatusChanged] event receivers here.
  • Propagate To Children: Check this to propagate the [RandomEyes_OnLookStatusChanged] event to all child objects of the selected Braodcast Receivers.


RandomEyes Eye-Movement Unity Asset Logo