2023-06-08: v2.5.5.135 This and the previous version (v2.5.4.119) fix some very fringe use-case bugs and added some minor usability enhancements. We do have some new features cooking for the v2.6.0 release (TBD). 2021-05-19: v2.5.3.113 This version fixes a problem when applying changes to prefab instances. See the release notes and check the forum for more information. 2020-09-11: v2.5.0 We have been working on this version for quite some time, but v2.5.0 is now available for… View More
Welcome to theMinnow's Blog. Here you'll find a collection of posts on all manner of minnowy subjects, primarily focused on our Unity assets and indie game development. We'll also be shamelessly plugging our best-selling Unity asset, SALSA with RandomEyes, available on the Unity Asset Store. We have a rapidly growing collection of tutorials and video tutorials you can quickly get to using the Categories shortcuts. To check out our projects, like SALSA LipSync Suite, use the Unity Projects menu item to the left. You can also search for posts using the search bar at the top right. Follow us on Twitter to get our latest updates. Whatever your preference, ENJOY!
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theMinnow's Blog
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[2021-09-27] An issue has been discovered with the Eyes module where "lookTarget" objects are not saved when loading Unity or scenes. I was unaware Unity had restrictions on storing scene-based objects and requires a different implementation. I have a fix that is currently being tested and should be released soon. [2021-05-22] TimelineSalsaCore v2.6.0 has been released to address the issues discovered with Unity v2020.LTS+. The EmoterControl module should now work with the recent versions of Unity. The Eyes module also received a… View More

Export guide for DAZ 3D characters (i.e. Genesis, Genesis 2, Genesis 3, Genesis 8, Dragon, and Emotiguy character classes). Please see our detailed… View More
Out with the Old, In with the New The legacy version of SALSA (SALSA with RandomEyes v1.x) has reached a ripe old age and is ready to prop up its feet on a nice beach somewhere warm. As of the beginning of the year (2020-01-01), the legacy version (SALSA with RandomEyes) will no longer be supported. Updates for this legacy product ended in June, coinciding with the new release (SALSA LipSync Suite) and there will be no further updates, including feature, bug-fix, or Unity-compatibility updates.… View More

Submitted to the Asset Store: 2019-06-15 Live on the Asset Store: 2019-06-20 STATUS: SALSA LipSync Suite v2 release development is complete. Addon/System Integration Status: ALL add-ons and OneClick systems have been updated and are available on the Downloads page UPDATE (2019-08-01) API… View More

I'll admit I was a little skeptical at first. I didn't think its approach to lipsync approximation would be comparable to traditional phoneme-based animation. But it does a fantastic job, and it's much easier to add voiceover to your game. If you're considering adding voiceover, or even just eye focus and facial expressions, look into SALSA.… View More

AmplitudeSALSA is a free add-on that acts as a bridge between SALSA and Amplitude to allow SALSA Lipsync to work on the WebGL platform. If you aren't familiar with SASLA or Amplitude, you can read about them using the links below. Amplitude is our newest asset that provides amplitude and beat detection on the WebGL platform. Watch the SALSA with Amplitude video below! SALSA… View More