Posted by crazyD 2014-04-30 3:44 pm

We've gone to great extents to make SALSA look as good as possible with as few blendshapes as possible. However, for those of you that would like to try SALSA with fewer blendshapes, this is possible as well, and the results are pretty good. For the purposes of this article, we'll be using SALSA 3D, but the principles work with SALSA 2D as well.
SALSA uses four (4) mouth positions in normal operation. This requires the configuration of 4 basic mouth shapes on your model. However, you can implement SALSA with 1 - 4 shapes;… View More
Posted by crazyD 2014-04-21 9:25 am

Crazy Minnow is super excited to announce the launch of our new web site and forum system! We've dumped our Wordpress system in favor of a much more flexible and streamlined content management system called ProcessWire. We feel that this releases our creative and technical shackles and will allow us to better grow with our endeavors. It's no coincidence that Crazy Minnow announced the… View More
Posted by crazyM 2014-04-21 12:18 am

Crazy Minnow Studio, LLC is very excited to announce that SALSA with RandomEyes has been submitted to the Unity Assest Store. If you haven't heard, SALSA with RandomEyes is our brand new 2D and 3D lip synchronization and eye movement control system for the Unity 3D game engine. The Unity approval process should take about 3-5 days, and once approved, SALSA with RandomEyes will be available to the public for just $25. Here's a preview shot of what SALSA with RandomEyes will look like in the… View More
Posted by crazyD 2014-04-06 6:55 pm
It appears that all life-threatening bugs have been squashed. SALSA and RandomEyes are one step closer to being rolled… View More
Posted by crazyD 2014-04-03 11:19 am
Crazy Minnow is very busy, ramping SALSA up for a release on the Unity Asset Store. There are a few bugs left to squash and some marketing material to put together, but the Minnow crew report that the product is solid and rapidly approaching release. Stay… View More