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theMinnow's Blog
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This slide shows off the capabilities of a more detailed model with 3 very distinct emotions. Each of these 'looks', and an infinite variety more, will be programmatically accessible to work beautifully with SALSA and… View More

Some really cool eye movements can be acheived using a simple, but powerful feature in RandomEyes, the Look Target in conjunction with the Animation Curves editor. The Look Target links a GameObject to the component and calculates eye movment based on relative location of the object to the eyes. This tip will be utilizing RandomEyes3D, most of the discussion will also apply to RandomEyes2D. Here's a quick demo of what it looks… View More
Here's a quick video to demonstrate some of the new features we're working on for the upcoming 1.1 release. This example is using the event parameter passed in the custom shape event to iterate through the list of available custom shapes. The Console shows these parameter details and parameter details contained in the RandomEyes look event parameter. The events and event recipients are controlled independently for maximum flexibility. A code example that demonstrates catching the events and reading parameter… View More

In our previous QUICK-TIP (Configure SALSA With Fewer BlendShapes), we showed you how to use fewer blendshapes on your model with the SALSA component. In this article, we'll show you how you can use a similar technique to restrict the awesome eye movement in RandomEyes to certain quadrants, while maintaining some random movement. We'll be demonstrating this using RandomEyes3D; although the principals are the same for RandomEyes2D. RandomEyes gives you the ability to… View More