I've been testing out a paint plugin that improves the workflow of texture painting in Blender. It's called Zero… View More
Welcome to Crazy Minnow Studio! We are a small indie software development team primarily focused on game development using the Unity engine. Our pipeline includes: games, game development tools and assets, and video tutorial production. Check out our Unity lip sync asset, SALSA Lip-Sync, available on the Unity Asset Store. Follow our blog for updates on our Unity asset and game development, as well as other happenings in indie game development.
Welcome to theMinnow's Blog. Here you'll find a collection of posts on all manner of minnowy subjects, primarily focused on our Unity assets and indie game development. We'll also be shamelessly plugging our best-selling Unity asset, SALSA with RandomEyes, available on the Unity Asset Store. We have a rapidly growing collection of tutorials and video tutorials you can quickly get to using the Categories shortcuts. To check out our projects, like SALSA LipSync Suite, use the Unity Projects menu item to the left. You can also search for posts using the search bar at the top right. Follow us on Twitter to get our latest updates. Whatever your preference, ENJOY!
Please note: We use affiliate links for all assets linked to Unity from our pages. These links do not affect your cost or the publisher's revenue and help us continue to improve our products. We sincerely thank you for your support.
I've been testing out a paint plugin that improves the workflow of texture painting in Blender. It's called Zero… View More
While using SALSA with RandomEyes in another project, it became clear that we needed a way to use the random custom shape feature from RandomEyes3D, but we also wanted the ability to exclude certain custom shapes from the random shape selection process so that the excluded shapes could be activated from another process using the API. This simple but useful feature will be available in the next 1.2… View More
The Minnow has been hard at work on some great new features for the next 1.2.0 release. Here are some of the features we've been working on for… View More
The next part of the Working With Shape Keys in Blender series has been posted. This installment goes over some shape key gotchas and how to fix or work around them.… View More
Part II has been uploaded to our YouTube channel. This video demonstrates making some basic facial expression shape keys.… View More
In support of our Unity Asset - SALSA with RandomEyes, we've started another video series, "Working With Shape Keys in Blender"! Several videos are planned in the series. This initial video briefly discusses shape keys (blend shapes, morph targets, etc.) and the shape key interface in Blender. If you're curious about shape keys, this is a great place to… View More